Letters to the World | A Crystalline Light Foundation

Letter One: Introduction

E-Mail: info@crystallinelightfoundation.org

Phone: 772-882-7571 (USA)

SKYPE: jkf52452

To Whom It May Concern,

We of A Crystalline Light Foundation are contacting you to provide our project concepts and outline of planned use of funding for Phase I projects.

Start-up funding is being sought for the development of new paradigm global prototype communities. We intend to do this with the integration of new and ancient technologies while honoring local, regional and indigenous communities and their traditions. Our process will enable us to establish equitable governance and sustainable abundance for each participant in the ACLF communities and the surrounding areas. With a model of cooperation and collaboration we will create an atmosphere to facilitate positive change in the world.

We look forward to our association with you in bringing in the coming new age on this planet.

Letter Two: Overview

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

                                                 Mahatma Gandhi 

Our Vision/Mission is to help create a new paradigm of being on Earth. The way we intend to do this is as A Crystalline Light Foundation.

A Crystalline Light Foundation (ACLF) is a gathering point of people and projects to help create a new world. We intend to do this in many ways. Our main project is the building of completely off the grid, sustainable, holistic and "green" community prototypes that can be duplicated worldwide.

ACLF's initial goal will be to create several innovative prototype villages placed on ACLF owned property in the towns of Nuevo Arenal and Aguacate in Costa Rica with other villages in Florida and Colorado, USA following soon thereafter. We will also be lending our support (time, knowledge, talent and, if possible, funds) to other groups and organizations with a shared Vision worldwide.

Our expanded project will be a prototype cluster of small to medium villages working together in different areas. For example, Costa Rica will have clusters of seven working together. The villages and clusters of our expanded project will incorporate the best of what we want to bring to the world. This will require the use of best concepts available or that become available in this new post-GESARA world.


We believe that, by actually living daily with like-minded people in a clean and organic environment with a reverence for the Earth, a space of inner peace is generated. It will be a place where people can reach their full potential and re-channel human genius from exploitation to transformation. An environment where every individual contribution is "work" that you love, governed with tools in a way that gives everyone a voice. It will be a community driven by co-operative and collaborative consensus, creating an atmosphere of peace, harmony, and true freedom. The resulting higher level of individual and group consciousness will, in turn, affect the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole.

At its core, A Crystalline Light Foundation (ACLF) is a reflection of the founder's heart. She has envisioned a way to help create a new world of peace, abundance, and prosperity. Her vision is of a group of like-minded individuals coming from all over the world, from all backgrounds, with various skills and talents, to participate in our main projects. These individuals, working together side by side with a shared Vision, will build a new model for living here on this beautiful, abundant world.

The Founder’s instructions from the very beginning were clear, “You will build this, and they will come.” Why? “Because,” as she explains, “how many wonderful, knowledgeable, and skilled people on this planet don’t have money to buy into these projects, but are the very people who have what is needed to make these projects successful?”

"They will come" with a heartfelt desire to be a part of this change that we see, in how we could live, work, and play together with this shared Vision for humanity and all living creatures on the planet. We will discover our passions and purpose, and along the way, create a true freedom like we have never known before.

Strategic Plan

First villages at initial sites in Nuevo Arenal and Aquacate, Costa Rica will be developed quickly since these sites have existing available public infrastructure including available temporary housing. Simultaneously, new technology, already in hand, once approved, will replace older technology used in the villages. All work is to be documented for use at other sites in an open-system design.

Years spent contacting companies and individuals were utilized to gather capabilities and identify material sources to field multiple teams at various sites. Our founder has sought out people, processes, products, and resources that fit into her vision of a long lasting, environmentally sound community having a minimal government. To obtain those ends, she has obtained permission to use of the ASK-4© process of concept development and idea clarification to create from “what is” the objects and concepts that “need to be”. She has found and is seeking inventors and entrepreneurs holding patents, having products, or developing concepts that, when funded, should produce world-enhancing improvements.


ACLF will utilize an organizational structure where all people take ownership of problems, solutions and opportunities. This process, that involves all of the people, is to be flexible, with feedback sought to retain balance while evolving solutions. Goals include: maintaining minimum levels of government, 100% villager participation, and all functions and services publicly contracted out to limit opportunities for corruption.

All villages will share ideas and concepts of how to provide food, shelter, clean water, power, sanitation, training, maintenance and more. Our goal is to create a society of empowered people to be leaders. Not in the old, hierarchical way but in a new "Transformational" and "Service" leadership "bottom up" model. Villagers all participate in establishing operating policy and share the responsibility for all village and cluster functions. Minimum levels of government are to be maintained for transparency. Transparency in governance will be obtained through the use of ASK-4©, a requirements development and clarification tool.

Upon receipt of funding we will move forward with our Phase One outline. Please see the outline on the next page.

Letter Three: Phase One Plan

  • Gather together the core team and develop a Strategic Plan with an emphasis on financials and project management. Make additional property purchases for showcasing and developing innovative projects and eventually establishing permanent communities. Much of this land will be set aside as corridors for habitat and species preservation, indigenous rights, reforestation and protection of vital water sources.

  1. Costa Rica: Arenal, Aguacate, and others
    2. USA: Florida, Colorado
    3. Uruguay
    4. Peru

    • Many projects will be used in the building of physical communities, virtual communities and governance that may also be developed into businesses that can bring sustainable income to ACLF. These projects will include, but are not limited to:

  2. ASK-4© - a problem solving and governance tool
    2.   Geo-polymer materials for building and more
    3.   ConstruKs(© - a civil engineering system
    4.   Off-grid energy systems
    5.   Revolutionary water management systems
    6.   Innovative food production systems
    7.   Multiple "no waste" reusable waste systems
    8.   Housing- including initial housing for the first group of residents and building teams
    9.   Innovative and duplicatable portable housing systems
    10. Temporary rental housing in local communities

  • Site design/infrastructure - based upon concepts incorporating sacred geometry and energetic systems like, but not exclusive to, Feng Shui
  • Building designs - using the same innovative energetic principles as the Site designs/infrastructure


© 2018, A Crystalline Light Foundation. All rights reserved.

Jerry Forney, Designer and Webmaster. Site Concept Design by Donna Anselmo.
